Other Parts

Miscellaneous replacement parts can be found here. If you need a replacement part you're unable to locate online, feel free to contact us by email at Howdy@mod-bikes.com, or call us directly at 512-518-3445.


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Refund Policy


Try any MOD risk-free from the comfort of your home! We value your trust, and that's why if it's not the perfect fit, exchange or return it with free shipping for a full refund.

How does it work:

Step 1:s

After your MOD bike arrives at your doorstep, you have a full 14 days from delivery day to decide if it's right for you. 

Step 2:

If it's not a great fit, contact our support team and we'll provide a shipping label and even arrange a pick-up for you. 

Step 3:

Once the bike arrives at our warehouse we will process your refund or exchange.